Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Declaration

I once worked with a director who told me that 1776 was his favorite musical, which puzzled me. He was very into new, edgy works, and I couldn't wrap my mind around how a show about the signing of the Declaration of Independence could hold his interest. His answer? "There's a moment when you actually believe they're NOT going to sign it."

OK. Granted, it's always interesting to see a behind-the-scenes take on an infamous event--for example, even though I knew very well what the end result would be, I was still captivated by "Recount"--but the signing of the Declaration of Independence? Seriously?

But I must say that when I finally saw a production of 1776 (at the Paper Mill Playhouse), I could see what he meant. Who would have thought that watching gussied-up gentlemen sweating in a tiny room could be so entertaining?

Show Business Weekly review: 1776

Friday, May 8, 2009

Daisy Chain

I was in Atlanta recently for an archaeology conference, and I reviewed yet another fabulous production at Theatrical Outfit. Last fall, while in Atlanta for a music conference, I reviewed their exquisite revival of the musical Big River; this time, they've remounted a hometown favorite, Driving Miss Daisy, featuring an evocative original score by Robert Waldman.

In November I'll head to Atlanta again for a women's studies conference, and I'm looking forward to seeing what will be playing next time ...

Talkin' Broadway review: Driving Miss Daisy